Max Coulon: Exposition collective "Revenir du présent" @ Collection Lambert, Avignon (FR)
Regards croisés sur la scène actuelle. POUSH X Collection Lambert
10.2.2024 - 12.5.2024


Les artistes : Carla Adra, Mathilde Albouy, Estèla Alliaud, Hugo Avigo, Marlon de Azambuja, Abdelhak Benallou, Djabril Boukhenaissi, Apollinaria Broche, Grégory Chatonsky, Salomé Chatriot, Gaëlle Choisne, Max Coulon, Morgan Courtois, Cyril Debon, Julian Farade, Clédia Fourniau, Laura Garcia Karras, Gerard & Kelly, Célia Gondol, Pascal Hachem, Arash Hanaei, Ittah Yoda, Michel Jocaille, Nika Kutateladze, Anne Le Troter, Matisse Mesnil, Daniel Otero Torres, Margot Pietri, Luca Resta, Edgar Sarin, Ugo Schildge, Laura Sellies, Erwan Sene, Pol Taburet, Félix Touzalin, Dune Varela, Marie de Villepin, Xolo Cuintle. 

Commissaires de l'exposition : Stéphane Ibars et Yvannoé Kruger

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Aline Bouvy | Le Prix du Ticket | Triangle - Astérides, Friche la Belle de Mai, Marseille
03.2.2024 - 01.9.2024


Aline Bouvy
Exposition personnelle Le Prix du Ticket

@ Triangle - Astérides, Friche la Belle de Mai, Marseille

Exposition curatée par Marie de Gaulejac, Victorine Grataloup et Thomas Conchou.

Une exposition co-conçue et co-produite par Triangle-Astérides et La Ferme du Buisson, centres d'art contemporain d'intérêt national.

En co-production avec la SCIC Friche Belle de Mai et en partenariat avec Kultur | Lx, le Ministère de la Culture du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, le GMEM - centre national de création musicale, le Conservatoire Pierre Barbizet - INSEAMM et Bi-pole.

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Nosbaum Reding at BRAFA ART FAIR 2024
28.1.2024 - 04.2.2024

We are delighted to announce that Nosbaum Reding participates to the BRAFA Art Fair!

Booth n° 127




Public opening days

from Sunday 28 January 2024

until Sunday 4 February 2024

11:00 - 19:00




Thursday 1 February 2024

11:00 - 22:00


Exclusive Saturday

Saturday 27 January 2024

11:00 - 19:00

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26.1.2024 - 26.1.2024


Release 26th January 2024 from 19:00 at Etablissement d'en Face, Brussels

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Vanessa Brown + Mike Bourscheid: Rustic Pain @ gr_und, Berlin
15.12.2023 - 31.1.2024

Gr_und: Artist run Space
Seestrasse 49
D-13347 Berlin

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Rafael Grassi-Hidalgo | Group show | Annual Exhibition 2023 | Bündner Kunstmuseum Chur
10.12.2023 - 28.1.2024
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Bienvenue à la Villa ! (2). Acquisitions récentes d'art contemporain
Villa Vauban
02.12.2023 - 20.5.2024
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Anna Krieps: Exposition personnelle au Centre d'art Nei Liicht, Dudelange (LU)
In between us
25.11.2023 - 21.1.2024


Vernissage le 25.11.2023 à 11:30, en présence de l'artiste

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Nosbaum Reding at Luxembourg Art Week 2023
Booth B15
10.11.2023 - 12.11.2023

Photo: Booth Nosbaum Reding, Luxembourg Art Week, 2023
Photo credit: © Laurent Sturm


We are delighted to announce that Nosbaum Reding participates to the Luxembourg Art Week!

Opening Hours

Preview (by invitation)
9 November 2023, 19:00–22:00

Vernissage (by invitation)
10 November 2023, 18:00–21:00

Public hours
10 November 2023, 11:00–18:00
11 November 2023, 10:30–19:30
12 November 2023, 10:30–18:30


Glacis Square (Fouerplaatz)
L-1628 Luxembourg

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Stephan Balkenhol meets Old Masters - Window in Time: Exhibition in Museum Wiesbaden
10.11.2023 - 02.6.2024


View of the exhibition "Stephan Balkenhol meets Old Masters - Window in Time" © VG Bild- Kunst, Bonn 2024. Photo: Museum Wiesbaden / Bernd Fickert

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77. Internationale Bergische Kunstausstellung | Group exhibition with Sophie Ullrich
Kunstmuseum Solingen, Solingen-Gräfrath (DE)
15.9.2023 - 29.10.2023


Sophie Ullric , Human, 2023, oil on canvas, 190 x 160 cm © Sophie Ullrich

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Industrial visceral | Saarländische Galerie Berlin
13.9.2023 - 07.10.2023

Photo: © Antoine de Saint Phalle – Kultur | lx

Hisae Ikenaga
Industrial visceral

13.09. – 07.10.2023


Eröffnung | Opening :
Freitag | Friday, 15.09.2023 – von 18 Uhr bis 21 Uhr | 6pm until 9pm

“Meet the artist”:
Samstag | Saturday 16. 09.2023 – von 15 Uhr bis 18 Uhr | 3 pm until 6 pm
in Anwesenheit von Hisae Ikenaga und Galerist Alex Reding | in presence of Hisae Ikenaga and Alex Reding, gallery owner


In Fortsetzung ihrer langjährigen Zusammenarbeit mit Luxemburg zeigt die Saarländische Galerie die Ausstellung Industrial Visceral mit Arbeiten der in Luxemburg lebenden Künstlerin Hisae Ikenaga.

Die Ausstellung ist ein Projekt der luxemburgischen Galerie Nosbaum Reding. Erstmals werden zentrale Arbeiten von Hisae Ikenaga in Deutschland zu sehen sein.

Die Künstlerin verwendet Alltagsgegenstände als Rohmaterial für ihre Werke. In ihrer bildhauerischen Arbeit, in der sie unterschiedliche Techniken nutzt, befragt sie mit Ironie und Humor unsere bisweilen absurde Beziehung zu Objekten, ihrer Geschichte, Herstellung und Funktion.

Hisae Ikenaga, die in Luxemburg lebt und zwischen Spanien, Luxemburg und Frankreich arbeitet, hat ihre Werke in zahlreichen Einzel- und Gruppenausstellungen auf der ganzen Welt gezeigt und mehrere Preise erhalten.


Continuing its long-standing collaboration with Luxembourg, the Saarländische Galerie is hosting the exhibition Industrial Visceral by the artist Hisae Ikenaga.

Organised by the Galerie Nosbaum Reding in Luxembourg, the exhibition explores a body of work by the artist, showcased for the first time in Germany. Hisae Ikenaga uses everyday objects as the raw material for her works. Her sculptural work intertwining several techniques, questions our comical – sometimes absurd - relationship with objects, their history, their production and their function.

Based in Luxembourg and working between Spain, Luxembourg and France, Hisae Ikenaga has shown her work in numerous solo and group exhibitions around the world and has received several awards.


Eine Ausstellung der Galerie Nosbaum Reding Luxemburg mit der Unterstützung von Kultur | lx – Arts Council Luxembourg, in Kooperation mit der Saarländischen Galerie in Berlin, dem Ministerium für Kultur und der Botschaft des Großherzogtums Luxemburg.


An exhibition by the Gallery Nosbaum Reding Luxembourg with the support of Kultur | lx – Arts Council Luxembourg, in cooperation with the Saarländische Galerie in Berlin, the Ministry of Culture of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg & the Embassy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.






Charlotten- und Markgrafenstraße, U6 Kochstraße

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Barthélémy Toguo: Winner Pommery Prize 2023
Presentation "Urban Requiem" (2015) by Barthélémy Toguo at The Armory Show in New York
08.9.2023 - 11.9.2023

We are pleased to announce that @TheArmoryShow's annual Pommery Prize, supported by Pommery Champagne, was awarded to Barthélémy Toguo for his presentation of Urban Requiem (2015). ⁠

Now in its fourth year, the Pommery Prize recognizes an outstanding presentation of large-scale artwork from the Platform section at The Armory Show. The jury for the prize included Frédéric de Goldschmidt, Collector; Gannit Ankori, Director and Chief Curator of the Rose Art Museum; and Mme. Vranken, co-owner and head of the marketing division of Vranken-Pommery Monopole.⁠

The installation is comprised of a series of ladders holding life-size portrait busts sculpted from Iroko wood. The floor beneath these structures is covered by images of boxes used to ship bananas, an element that recurs across a selection of Toguo's installations. The busts function as stamps, with the recognizable calls to action of recent protest movements, from #MeToo to #BlackLivesMatter, carved into their bases. Oversized in comparison to a traditional stamp, these functional sculptures require significant effort to utilize, parodying administrative gestures.⁠

Courtesy Galerie Lelong & Co. Paris & New York

Installation view: BarthélémyToguo, Urban Requiem (2015) at The Armory Show, 2023. Photo by Jon Cancro / Courtesy Galerie Lelong & Co. Paris & New York.

Brussels Gallery Weekend 2023 | Nosbaum Reding
Solos shows of Kate Burling & William Grob
07.9.2023 - 10.9.2023

À l'occasion du Brussels Gallery Weekend, la galerie Nosbaum Reding marquera le deuxième anniversaire de sa présence à Bruxelles en ouvrant sa programmation artistique sur de nouveaux horizons.


Pour ce faire, nous avons donné carte blanche au consultant et commissaire d'exposition indépendant Vincent Vanden Bogaard, avec qui la galerie collabore également au Luxembourg. Pour cette rentrée bruxelloise, nous avons conçu un projet ambitieux autour de la peinture, qui doit permettre au public de découvrir deux jeunes artistes britanniques dont le travail pictural s'inscrit dans une dynamique nouvelle.


Dans Diagonal Lovers, sa première exposition personnelle en Belgique, William Grob (né en 1992) cartographie le paysage émotionnel de la génération Y en s'appuyant sur ses expériences personnelles. Dans The Rain Has Changed, Kate Burling (née en 1998) nous plonge quant à elle dans un univers entre abstraction et figuration où s'expriment les doutes et les réflexions d'une jeune artiste face à l'état du monde.


Nosbaum Reding se réjouit de vous accueillir nombreuses et nombreux pour cette rentrée placée sous le signe du renouveau !


As part of Brussels Gallery Weekend, Nosbaum Reding will be marking the second anniversary of its presence in Brussels by opening up to new artistic horizons.


To this effect, the gallery has given carte blanche to the independent consultant and curator Vincent Vanden Bogaard, with whom the gallery also collaborates in Luxembourg. Together, we have conceived an ambitious project that will enable exhibition-goers to discover two young British artists whose work is part of a wider dynamic in painting.


Diagonal Lovers, the first solo exhibition in Belgium by William Grob (b. 1992), charts the emotional landscape of Generation Y by drawing on the artist's personal experiences, while The Rain Has Changed by Kate Burling (b. 1998) immerses spectators in a world between abstraction and figuration that mirrors a young artist's questions and doubts on the state of the world.


Join us for the start of this new promising season!

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Paréidolie 2023 | Marseille
01.9.2023 - 03.9.2023

PARÉ́ IDOLIE 2023 | 10e édition |

ouverture :

vendredi 1er (14h 20h)

preview (9h30 13h)

samedi 2 septembre et dimanche 3 septembre 2023 (11h 19h)

entrée : 5 €

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